Saturday, 28 March 2015

Catch up.

Real life took over last week, well that and one of the best days of rugby I've ever witnessed! So I didn't get time to blog.

The last couple of weeks have been utilised tidying up my BUF cavalry squadron and finishing off some terrain pieces, which took a lot longer them I imagined.

Cavalry Squadron

I've not yet named them, although I do have a pennant, which needs to be printed and added. 


Where I work requires a thirty-five mile trip through the Cheshire countryside. Since the last thirty years I've spent in an urban environment this has been a pleasant change.What it has done, as well as being able to marvel at beauty of the English countryside, has allowed me to study it in a bit more detail. This is good as a VCBW campaign is fought over it. What struck me most is the vast amount of hedge/field boundaries. Therefore I chose to construct some more. So here they are. 

There are many others and the means of making them can be found on my now silent blog, here: and here;

The only difference is that I used polystyrene 'pizza' bases for these ones.

Now I'm fully prepped my campaign may start. At last!  (38fest15, prep is still ongoing).

Thanks for reading. Have a good time until next time and enjoy the spring.



  1. All looks good, I love the cavalry, I have to get a box

    1. I too was surprised at how they came out.

  2. Great start! I really like the hedgerows as well.

    1. Thanks, I've no idea where the idea came from, but I think they came out well.
