Major Richard BERESFORD finished the last of his tea, put the tin mug down and walked from his billet to the Company's Operations tent. As he entered the assembled hierarchy rose to their feet.
"Gentlemen, gentlemen. Please be seated," he said, walking passed them.
They sat, shuffled about and settled down.
"Gentlemen. Orders."
Since the incident at the Tower of London. The Empire’s
Crown Jewels are abroad in the Nation. Although it is believed there is no
direct threat to their safety, by the thieves, it is imperative that they are found
and returned to their rightful place prior to anything unforeseen happening.
Intelligence has suggested that a proportion of the treasure
has been secreted in one of the farm houses off the Fosse Way.
Friendly Forces: In support: No. 3 Battery RHA. Dependent on
Section 3 Royal Signals.
Enemy Forces: Intelligence is weak here. It is believed that
there are local Militia operating in platoon sized units, these are of variable
quality and lightly armed. However, the operation is taking place in the TAOR
of 3rd Battalion Anglican league. This battalion is heavily engaged
elsewhere. But there is always the potential to run into one of their patrols.
These troops are well armed and motivated although poorly led.
‘B’ Company will search these premises, secure the Crown
Jewels and transfer them to Divisional care.
This is a four phase operation. Phase 1: The Advance; 2
Securing of Bridge Farm; 3 Search and secure; 4 Recovery.
Phase 1:
The company will advance along the FOSSE WAY.
1 Platoon: You will move past the farm houses and set up a
defensive screen on FOSSE WAY, as well as the fields to the left and right.
2 Platoon: You will follow platoon one and secure Brookfield
3 Platoon: You will follow Platoon two and secure Grange
Captain Rosewood, when you are happy that both Grange and
Brookfield Farms are secured. Phase one ends. This will be signified by one
long blast on a whistle.
Phase two:
Captain Rosewood: You will signify the beginning of phase
two by two short blasts on your whistle.
2 & 3 Platoons: You will create a defensive screen at
the fence lines of your farms.
1 Platoon: You will fall back along the Fosse Way and secure
Bridge Farm. Once secure, Havildar Bal, you will inform Capt. Rosewood of the
Captain Rosewood: On receipt of this message Phase two ends.
Phase three:
Captain Rosewood: You will signify the beginning of phase
three by three short boasts on your whistle.
All Platoons: Will protect and search their respective
farms. When the Crown Jewels are returned to rightful custody. You will inform
Captain Rosewood, who will inform the remainder of the company.
Phase four:
On receipt of this information custody the company will
collapse back onto point x-ray. Order of March; Platoon: 1-2-3; enbus and return to barracks.
Advance to contact: This will be by company transport. The
Company will debus at point x-ray and make their way to the start line on foot.
OOM 1,2,3 platoons.
Recovery: A Company runner will contact all platoons who
will fall back to point x-ray for recovery.
Ammunition: As per SOP.
Feeding: Breakfast this location. Havaldar-Major, sort out haversack rations
for midday meal. Return for evening meal.
Timings: 06.15 First light, reveille: 06.30 Morning meal:
07.00 Enbus: 08.15; Debus: 09.00: TPSL.
Company HQ at point X-ray.
Company and Platoon runners.
Sigs to splice into local net and attempt to connect with
Arty. Location at point x-ray.